Настроить PowerPoint для показа на проекторе

Настроить PowerPoint для показа на проекторе Настраиваем PowerPoint c проектором.

To configure Microsoft PowerPoint to work with a projector in presentation mode, follow these steps:

  1. Open PowerPoint and select Slide Show from the menu at the top, then select the Set Up Show option. If you are on a laptop, press the Fn key and F8 key simultaneously to enable your laptop's secondary video output. (Лучше нажимать "Windows + P" и выбрать расширить)


  1. In the Set Up Show options, select the second monitor choice under Display slide show on, i.e. anything besides Primary Monitor.
  2. Now select the check box for Show Presenter View (Показать представление докладчика). This will enable the presenter mode on the monitor that is selected.

  3. Run the presentation, your laptop screen should display an image with your slideshow and an area for your presenter notes at the bottom; while the projector should display only the slideshow.

Разработчик Loco, автор статей по веб-разработке на Yii, CodeIgniter, MODx и прочих инструментах. Создатель Team Sense.

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